HanWJ Software - Chinese Typing, Chinese Input, Chinese Speech, Chinese Learning, Language Tool

中文    Chinese Typing, Chinese Input, Chinese Speech, Chinese Learning, Language Tool    www.hanwj.com

HanWJ Chinotes Introduction

    HanWJ Chinotes is used for editing plain text files,e.g., files that has "txt","gb" extensions. It is an editor specifically for Chinese editing.

    While most features can be found on the main menu and toolbars of the real program, here we introduce you to some special features and tips.

    * Chinotes has integrated HanWJ Chinese Input Method into itself. This makes inputing Chinese when using Chinotes very convenient, even without any Chinese platform installed on your PC.

    * Find-A-Saying (Right+S). This feature assists you find useful Chinese sayings by typing a related Character or word, a lovely feature when writing to your friends,

    * On the bottom of the main window, you can open 6 Windows for seperate results of Find-in-Multiple-Files actions.

    * Chinotes can be used to do secure text replacement in multiple files.

    * When editing text,double-clicking will select Chinese character; triple-clicking will select segment; quickly clicking four times will select paragraph.

    * Peom Helper feature. Help peom maker to find Chinese character with same rhyme and related words (for brain-storming).

    * Double-clicking the first, second and third sections on statusbar will bring out Input Options dialog, keymap, etc.

    * Chinotes can open and edit very large files.

    * Can select text column-wise (so-called block-selection).

    * Multiple levels of redo/undo are only limited by available disk space.

    * Provides second clipboard (plain text). When doing copy/paste using keyboard keys, you can access the second clipboard by pressing down Alt key additionally.

    * In open/save dialogs, Chinotes remembers the recently-visited folders and you can move to these folders easily.

    * User can choose whether to display text in wrap-mode.

    * Can insert hard-returns for every line of file content.

    * Right-clicking anywhere on document will pop up a handy menu with often-used menu items.

    * Tool "Make Sync Group" can be used to view two files side-by-side horizontally or vertically; scrolling can be made syncronous for convenience.

    * There are a bunch of tools for recovering messed-up gb/big5 texts.

    * TAB key can be used to shift a whole selected block of text to left or right (has to be in no-wrap mode). In Chinese Input Mode, Right-Shift+TAB will move selected text block to the right, whereas Left-Shift+TAB will move selected text block to the left. (In English mode, these two operations are:to move rightwards, use Tab alone; to move leftwards, use Shift+TAB)

    * Shorcut key Ctrl+] can be used to find a delimiter character's counterpart; delimiter characters include various parenthesis and word pairs like ,"/*","*/","#ifxx/#end","open/close","begin/end",etc.

    * When cursor is over a line having the form of "#include xxxx.h", right-click popup menu will contain menu item to open that file xxxx.h directly.

    * When typing return key, if previous two lines have the same indent, the current line will use that indentation.

    * In Print Page Setup dialog, page margins, header, footer, page numbers, date format, etc., can be set.

    * In open/save dialogs, Chinotes remembers the recently-visited folders and you can move to these folders easily.

HanWJ Chinese Input Manual