HanWJ Pinyin Guide - Chinese Typing

HanWJ Pinyin    www.hanwj.com

VI. HanWJ Pinyin Shortcuts

         Table 1. HanWJ Common Shortcuts.

     *Note:Alt+K means holding down Alt and pressing "K".

   Toggle Chinese / Western input modes: Alt+O, or F12

   Clear key input sequence: Esc

   Repeat last input: Ctrl+;

   Enter forecasted item: Ctrl+; or F9

   Enter key input sequence as is: Enter

   View tone key layout: Alt+K

   Symbol full width: Alt+B

   Toggle Chinese punctuation mode: Alt+,

   Punctuation quick input: v

   Chinese punctuation input popup: Alt+;

   Input Chinese numbers: Alt+0

   Input Fanti Chinese number: Alt+9

   Raise Find-A-Saying: Alt+S

   Find Chinese character by parts: Alt+X

   Switch Jianti/Fanti input: Ctrl+J


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